Every student, regardless of age, must read and sign below:

I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the foregoing Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy. Should I commit any violation or in any way misuse my access to the school district's computer network and the internet, I understand and agree that my access privilege may be revoked and school disciplinary action may be taken against me.

User's Name (print clearly) _________________________ Home Phone: ___________________

User's Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Status:    Student _____  Staff _____  Patron _____  I am 18 or older _____  I am under 18 _____

If I am signing this policy when I am under 18, I understand that when I turn 18, I will have to sign another policy.


Parent or Guardian: (If applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must also read and sign this agreement.) As the parent or legal guardian of the above student, I have read, understand and agree that my child or ward shall comply with the terms of the school district's Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy for the student's access to the school district's computer network and the Internet. I understand that access is being provided to the students for educational purposes only. However, I also understand that it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all offensive and controversial materials and understand my child's or ward's responsibility for abiding by the policy. I am, therefore signing this policy and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the school, the school district, and the Data Acquisition Site that provides the opportunity to the school district for computer network and Internet access against all claims, damages, losses, and costs, of whatever kind that may result from my child's or ward's use of his or her access to such networks and/or his or her violation of the foregoing poilcy. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision of my child's or ward's use of his or her access account if and when such access is not in the school setting. I herby give permission for my child or ward to use the building-approved account to access the school district's computer network and the Internet.

Parent or Guardian (print clearly) _________________________ Home Phone: ________________

User's Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


This agreement is valid for the ________________________ school year.

              Adoption Date: April 26, 2004

 Computer Use Policies